Monday, October 02, 2006

Poker, we Hardly Knew ye?

Boy, these republicans have sure been hard at work lately! When they’re not too preoccupied spanking it to porn chat with underage boys, they’re busy voting cookies laws to banish online gambling. Nothing will entertain you more than the bullshit reasons they come up with for said ban:

Republican Dickhead :"Gambling is a serious addiction that undermines the family, dashes dreams and frays the fabric of society..."

Fair enough. But why stop there? Why not eliminate out all the Casino's where degenerates run too on a daily basis to waste their paychecks playing slots and blackjack? What about that billion dollar cash cow that is sports betting? Or alcohol, doesn't it fuck up lives too?

Ah yes, that wouldn't work since Bill Frist and the people who will finance his campaign make money by the ton of the back of these degenerates.

Which is what this is really all bout: The old boys club not getting their cut. Period. A lot of those online gambling servers are located in the Bermudas, the Barbados while others are on Indian reserves. All those billions and billions of dollars of rake that some odd 20 million American Poker players are paying are going straight into the pockets of black and red folks. And lord knows these fucktards don't want to see black and red folks get rich off the backs of white folks.

While Party Gaming surrendered quicker than the French at the sight of a German, I doubt online Poker is really going anywhere. It might be less available on television, whether it be programming or advertising, but I'm pretty sure American players will have plenty of options to choose from (I figure Full Tilt, Paradise, Absolute and Pokerroom will continue to go on although I think Stars will go the way of Party). We'll probalbly lose a shit-ton of fish though.

I wouldn't recommend COMPLETELY cashing out your entire bankroll and giving up the game altogether. If it might put your mind at ease then sure, withdraw some, but leave yourself something to play with and wait and see how this whole thing plays out. I'd cash the fuck out of Party right now though.


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