Falling flat on one's face
Well, things didn't really turn out the way I would have hoped so.
I was SOOOOO excited to play the MATH for the first time in well over a year that failing so miserably left quite the bitter taste in my mouth.
1. I knew things were not going to be easy when I saw how tough my starting table was. (Smokkee, Colombo, Jordan, Huge Junk, C-mitch are the ones I can remember right now)
2. I definitely wasn't prepared to play this event properly. This is a double stack event, I played it like a single stack donkfest. Raising in early position with marginal holdings (and subsequently, folding to many re-raises), making loose calls from the blinds with crap cards, dumb continuation bets out of position with danger cards all over the place, etc. Definitely not my finest showing. I'll be back next week, making the necessary adjustments and hopefully making a run at the final table. Gah!
Btw, Cmitch, who busted me early in the tourney (I don't think I lasted an hour, which is pretty sad in a big stack tourney) ended up winning the whole thing. Now, I don't really keep count of these sort of things but people who knock me out of these blogger events tend to win them like a lot. It doesn't matter if it's first hour of final table, it seems going through me guarantees good results. So you now know what to do in the future; put a big fat giant target on my back and try to take me out early.
Oh and kudos to Jordan for making it all the way to third place. When I busted out, he was, I believe, the only player that had even less chips that I had before I was sent packing. Seems like that boy is running hot right now.
I wish I could say my night of disappointments ended there but I unfortunately decided to blow off some steam on the cash game tables. That was a mistake. I didn't play poorly, it was just fairly obvious that last night was not my night and the computer should have been off after the MATH.
The end result was a 3 buy in loss. The cash tables were pretty much a continuation of the earlier tourney. Missed flops galore, second best hands all over the place, etc. It's kinda sad, especially since I had position on a bunch of horrible donkeys that were hitting their magical cards left right and centre. I got stacked twice. The first time I pushed my queens on a flop of under cards and was called by another player holding pocket 10's who turned his freakin' set. *Sigh*. The second time was purely a tilt hand where I pushed my TPTK (Pair of nines with an ace obv) into some ‘I see 85% of the flops' monkey who had flopped two pair with 9-5o. Yeah, it was that kind of night.
So when did I finally call it quits? After then entire table limps in, I make it 5$ to go with aces on the button. Sb and UTG call. The flop comes out 9-7-2 rainbow. Utg leads out for half the pot, I really don't like it so I pot to find out where I stand. SB pushes, Utg pushes behind and I lol before folding my hand in disgusts. Sb's hand: Pocket 2's. Utg: Pocket 7's.
Like I said, just that kind of night.
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