Tuesday, January 09, 2007

1-outered on the river

Seriously, was Tony Romo’s gaffe as big as it gets as far as sports betting goes? If you had some serious money ridin’ on that shit, how pissed were/are you right then/now? Can we say that was the Football equivalent of some dumbass noob spiking his one outer on the river?

Lord knows my drunk arse was laughing itself into a fit when I witnessed the whole damn thing go down. Thanks for the memories Romo, although I’m sad that to say your career is now over. Oh well, at least you reportedly had the opportunity to bang Jessica Simpson which should be worth more than a Super bowl ring anyway. Well, it is to me.

I’ve been playing more and more hands of shorthanded Unlimited Hold’em (50$ tables) and things are going quite well so far. I refuse to say that I’m playing well since it seems the people I am playing against have the collective IQ of a turnip. Yessir, pay me off my obviously slow played flopped nut full after checking-checking and pushing on the river! Of course your QJ is good for all your chips against my kings when I push the flop of rags. And please, keep calling my all-in three bet when the flush card hits on the turn, after giving me unlimited odds to draw on you by checking behind on the flop.

Where the fuck did these people learn to play poker?

I’m playing my NL cash at Titan Poker right now. Lots of players at this level and their talents are, well, nonexistent. I have just about 600$ in that account, I’m hoping to grind that up to a 1000$ before making a move to the 100$ level and start playing some real Poker.

My Shorthanded min-bet game is all over the place on the other hand. It basically seems to be going all this:

Me wins lots of monies at 5-10$
Me loses lots of monies at 3-6$

Is it time to move up permanently? I’m way over rolled for 3-6$ and maybe that has started to reflect in the results. I’ll give it a try and see what happens. It’s a bit discouraging to realise that while I was up over a grand at 3-6$ a month, I am now down 300$ at that level!! At the other end, I’m up three grand at 5-10$. Is it possible to run bad at one level and better at another on the same site?!? We’ll stick with what’s working for now and time will tell.


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