Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tagged! You're it!

Looks like I've been tagged. I have to apologize for my absence, let's just say October was a doozy. Tons of things happened in my life (good things mind you) but they've also left me beyond preoccupied so I could hardly find any time to sleep, let alone blog.

So without further a due...

A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...
B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...
C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...
D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I won't tag anyone since I'm wayyy late to this party but here we go:

1. From the age of 10 through 16, I played soccer at an elite level but I just quit out of the blue cause I was, well, dumb. I've been getting back into it lately and I have tons of work to do to even be considered decent.
2. I picked my nose well into my teen years (Disgusting, I know)
3. I played the organ for nearly a decade but I mostly did it to please my mom. Haven't played it in nearly a decade and I don't miss it much.
4. I was dealt pocket aces in my very first hold'em hand, believe it or not. I also folded them pre-flop since the guy who was explaining us the rules had me all confused.
5. I've kept in touch with most of my best friends from high school. I live in a fairly small town and most people stuck around so It' been easier for us.
6. I was a notorious slacker in school but I'm an absolute workhorse at the job for reasons that escape me.
7. I lost my virginity at 19 to some 33 year old skank I picked up at a bar. She was actually pretty good looking and I have no regrets about it but it's still not something I brag about on a day to day basis.

So there you go. I'll try to put an actual post up tomorrow or Friday at the lastest about my October to remember.
