I was running so ridiculously hot for the past few weeks that I was simply waiting for the other shoe to drop. I was literally incapable of losing a hand at time it seems. Get the money in with the worst hand in a pair over pair situation and I'd hit my two outer on the river. If I had draw it hit, a lower pocket and I hit my set, etc. The results were especially ridiculous on Cake Poker where my 625$ in my account became 2100$ in a week and a half of play.
Enter last Friday.
Wow, where to begin? How about getting stacked three times with Pocket aces against flopped sets? Where have you ever seen such ridiculous bad luck as this? Run into a set with aces three times in less than 250 hands? None of Hoy's lucksack BS of winning 470 out of 470 with these babies. Not here that's for damn sure.
Other than that, meh the usual. Flop two pair, someone else rivers a higher two pair. Set going down to straights and flushes and my absolute favourite, getting nailed with two outers, on the river no less, by smaller pairs against my monster. And pocket kings is by far my biggest loser this month, I'm down 300+$ with them for the month of July!
I like to come here and vent but I'm not really that upset. Let's face it, it would be incredibly hypocritical of me to complain considering how freaking hot I've been running for this past month. In fact, the past few months have been really great to me. Let's put things in perspective, shall we? On may 1st, when Neteller pulled out of the Canadian market, I cashed most of my bankroll and left 500$ on Full Tilt and 500$ on Cake Poker. As of today, my Full Tilt account stands at 3800$ and Cake Poker is a dozen dollars short of 2k. Add the 600$+ dollars of Rakeback that will hit my account in the next few days and you can clearly see that things are going quite well in the land of the Artiste. Long may it continue.
I also won what was quite possibly my largest pot of my Poker career. Sitting at 1$ NL limit table 200 BB deep, I got all my money in with a flopped set of queens against pocket kings and some other moron with an OESD. I filled up on the turn and the river failed to bring a king to ship a ridiculous 300$+ pot my way. Maybe just maybe the doomswitch has been lifted. Guess we'll find out soon enough.
More of the same in store for tonight. I really want to play the 50/50 but I'm exhausted right now so maybe I'll take nap and see how I feel by then. If I can't make it tonight, I'll figure something else for the rest of the week.
Good luck at the tables!!!
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