Monday, October 01, 2007

Where are you going with this?

X-Grilfriend: So you're winning all this money at Poker but where does it end? Do you have a purpose or a goal? Where are you going with this?

Me: ...


God bless my x-girlfirend. She really made a conscious effort to show interest in my various hobbies but I never really managed to give her the answers that she was looking for. Most probably because I didn't know the answers myself.

So where am I going with this? Here I guess. And by here I mean at the foot of small stakes NL Hold'Em. The first few steps towards the promise land, the land of milk and honey: NL 200$.

Why NL 200$?

Because that's where the money actually starts to matter. This is the level where a pro can actually make a comfortable living through Poker and an amateur can start raking in some cash that can make a significant difference in his day to day life.

I've accumulated nearly 2k hands at this level and I must that it's not that different from NL 100$. The leap from NL 50$ to NL 100$ seems higher than the leap from 100$ to 200$. I'm doing okay so far, winning a lil' bit. I'll take it, considering I literally got my teeth kicked in when I first moved up to NL 100$.

I went on a tear getting tons of hands in throughout the last week of September. As a result, I've managed to book another 500$ of rake back for the third straight month in a row. I'm hoping October won't be such a close call.

BTW, my tournament game has gone to absolute shit. I've never been anything close to a donkament expert but this is getting ridiculous. I hardly remember the last time I've made it past the first hour of a tourney. Bleh!


At 12:48 PM, Blogger Klopzi said...

Hey - congrats on the recent success! Good to see that you're doing well and moving up in stakes.

Suffice it to say that I'm pretty jealous...

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Dillo said...

Jesus dude! That's really, really awesome. It inspires me to keep grinding away and to hopefully get there one day.

Hate to let you know, but you've been tagged. Surf on over to see why. Hopefully you can drag yourself away from the MONSTER CASH tables for a while!

Keep up the great work!

At 4:33 PM, Blogger girish said...

i am doing well go with this .
good time pass .
fateh singh

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Rakeback Power said...

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At 12:59 AM, Blogger Rakeback Power said...

Keep up the great work. NL $200 is a respective level to grind at. You get a lot of low stakes grinder srising up and taking a shot. Best of luck!



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