Monday, June 19, 2006

June Objective Cleared

Well, I am now done with that stupid Full Tilt sign up bonus. Too bad it resulted in me losing my ass out there. Again, low stakes LHE games at Full Tilt are ridiculously -EV and I’m seriously wondering if I should play there still. There’s really not a whole lot of donks, and tons of tight aggressive players. Where is the profit gonna come from? You pair of aces will only make money if another player has pocket kings or queens. Hitting a big flop doesn’t often lead to a big pot. The end result? A basically break even game where most players end up losing to the house rake.

Enter rake back. My plan for next month is to play a thousand hands on Full Tilt and another thousand elsewhere to see what kind of results I can come up with a full rake back source for the whole month. It should be interesting for sure.

I had a soccer game yesterday afternoon so I missed out on the World championship of Bloggers tournament. I really didn’t have any hopes or aspirations for this thing so I’m not that bummed about missing out. The field was a pretty solid 2200 people. That’s a shitload of donkeys. My first Internet tournaments were the Pokerroom daily freerolls. 2400 entrants duking it out for a 100$ payout for first place. My best result was taking third place once for a 50$ reward. The beginning of these tournament was almost always a laugher. You’d often see 3 or 4 players all-in on the very first hand of the tournament with gems like k-6s or A-3o. All this to say that making it through a huge field like this is no easy task and you really need a good combination of solid cards, good fortune and timing.

I’d really like to bang out a couple of hands tonight but I’m heading out with some friends to watch game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals. Should be a dandy!



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