Monday, May 15, 2006

Renewed Confidence

Hi, still alive? I was just ridiculously involved in the NHL playoffs lately, which left me very little time for Poker. Now that my team is out (stupid Sens or should I say stupid Sabres?) I’ll have more time to hang around the virtual tables.

I did hit the tables briefly this Weekend and the results were mostly positive. No massive score or anything but slow and steady increases to the roll. Biggest mistake I was doing lately was trying to win back too much all at once, hoping to wipe out huge losses in a few sessions. As you can imagine, that only managed to create frustration for myself and extremely poor play as a result. Quite the vicious cycle...

But I’d like to think that those days are behind me. I now sit down at the table with a winning mentality. I really want to try and focus on playing my best on every single hand. Whatever happens will happen, but I try and make sure to bring it on every occasion.

Think positive! While the morale is generally in the toilet while losing, expecting bad things to happen to thyself will usually result in such. A positive outlook on things really does make for better experiences at the table.

It’s all between the ears, 85% of that game is anyways.

But yes, it really feels good to be back.


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