August Failures
While I’ll continue to hit the tables hard in August, I will also turn my attention to the plethora of Casino bonuses that are floating around. I’ve seen other bloggers grind their way through these to great success so I decided to join myself. I’ll research the subject a little more and I’ll try to set up one tonight.
- Suckout Artiste
Ah yes, that would be me talking out of my arse crack at the beginning of the month.
I should add that my intentions were good, it seems I simply forgot to compute the fact that I’m an unreliable lazy wanker into the equation. Oops.
How bad was it anyways? How about I haven’t even opened a Casino Website? Don’t even know if they have websites for $$%# sakes.
To be written on my Poker epitaph when it’s all said done:
Suckout Artiste
Lazy bum who didn’t play enough hands and
wouldn’t get down and dirty and grind
Moving on...
It must be said that not grinding Casino’s is somewhat related to me actually winning at Poker. Yes, imagine that! Profits! Lame excuse but I am significantly up for the month after an up and down start (Would have been a significantly upper month if I could have won a few pots with hands like AA and KK yesterday, Fuck you very much Party Poker) so all is not bad.
What now?
Finish the Party Poker reload bonus tonight (A few hundred hands left, if that) and withdraw every single penny out of my Poker accounts towards Neteller. I’ll be leaving some at Pokerstars to play the Blogger events. It boils down to Casino bonuses throughout September.
What can I say, desperate men do desperate things in desperate times. Besides, it’s only for a month and there’s so much money out there that I don’t want to just leave it on the table. I also have a copy of Hold’em Poker for advanced players that I’ve never even opened (It was a Christmas gift) so maybe I’ll use some of my spare time in September to work myself through that.
P.S What’s the over/under on me dumb self going on massive BJ tilt and destroy my bankroll by making 100$ bets? Can’t wait to find out.