Monday, November 20, 2006

Breaking even-ness

The lack of action on this blog is pretty much related to my few forays in the Poker world. I’ve mostly been sitting back and putting whatever hours I can at the tables towards clearing the Full Tilt reload bonus. So far so good, I am, I believe, a few dollars away from releasing 400$ out of the 500$ bonus. Not bad. I should definitely be done before the December 16 deadline.

Things have been somewhat tough at these tables lately. I’ve hit a batch of breakeven Poker over my last 1500 hands. It sucks, but hey, it’s better than losing. I maybe should have tried playing shorter sessions and quit when I was shortly ahead but stubbornness and greed got in the way of that and I lossed most of my winnings in the process. A change of scenery might be in order for me which segues nicely to...


Free stuff!

I received an E-Mail the other day from the good folks at Vegas Poker Pro reminding me that I had some points left in my account. I hadn’t been back there in a looooong while so I was really surprised to see all the new Poker sites that were up there. By browsing through the free gifts that were being offered, my eyes caught a glimpse of a rectangular Poker table cover that would be a nice complement to our weekly home games. Cool. Even better is the fact that all I had to do to obtain said table was to play a measly 250 raked hands at Royal Vegas Poker (or many other sites).

Read that once again!!

This is unbelievable chump change to receive such significant gifts. Any serious multi-tabler would clear this in 25 minutes tops. Hell, I managed to rake in more than 1/2 of that in a hour of playing two micro limit shorthanded tables (and a 72$ profit to boot).

I should have this thing done in a hour tonight. I also have some 900 points laying about in Poker Savy so I’ll be looking into putting those things to use too. Should be a nice diversion before I go back running to the Full Tilt tables.

Good luck at the tables ya’ll!


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