Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Donkaments make for late nights and sore eyes

On a whim, I decided to sign up for a 15$ Donkament on Stars last night. I was bored and this was the earliest one starting so I joined in. 3 and a half hours later, I was sent home packing with a payout of 3x my buy-in. Not exactly my favoured outcome but one I will take nonetheless.

It was just one of those nights where I couldn’t really get anything going. For most of the evening I was grinding a medium to short stack. I doubled myself up a few times here and there but was slammed back down whenever I attempted to make moves to give myself a significant stack. I met my demise when I pushed AK into some dude’s KQ where we both flopped a K but he turned a Q to send me packing. If my hand holds up there, I’m looking at making a solid run towards the final table but, alas, it was not meant to be.

I did notice the caliber of play was somewhat more sane. You still see the odd idiot pushing his whole stack in with any ace and a M over ten but other than that, raises definitely earn more respect here. It’s nice to see that re-stealing a button with a pair of 4's won’t be called by that same idiot with K-5s who promptly happens to flop a flush. Nope, none of that there. I guess what I’m really trying to say is that it’s time for me to start stepping up to the plate and play more of these “higher” buy-ins MTT’s (I use the term higher loosely) since I obviously have the money. If I have any hope of making big time money in this, that’s pretty much where I need to be.

Cash games are still decent, still plowing through the FT bonus. I’m think I’m over the 260$ barrier of cleared bonus so It’s now time to take this baby home. The play at FT is standard, you have your solid players but you have WAY more fishes there, thank God, which finally makes it worthwhile to play there. Playing all these hands there has finally allowed me to earn decent rake back for a change. I’m aiming for a 500$ rake back for next month. Won’t be easy but relatively doable.

Niagara Falls was all right, I guess. Didn’t get the opportunity to play any Poker (Travelling with your girl friend will do that to you) but I still managed to get a few hands in through my laptop at the Hotel. I guess I’m really a bona-fide degenerate now. Tsk tsk...

Don’t know if I’ll be able to hit the tables tonight, I really need a good night sleep after last night’s debacle. We’ll see I guess.


At 4:25 PM, Blogger SirFWALGMan said...

Moookie! Moookie! Moookie!


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