500$ swing? Standard!
I’m sooooo in love with the craziness of these short handed games that I can’t believe I waited this long to start playing them. It all started on Friday evening when I booked a 150$ win. I left to eat dinner and watch a bit of TV before returning to the tables. Short session where I lost about 200$. Slept for the night and a played bit in the morning. -300$. Quit for the day and came back the next day. Booked a 200$ win early on Sunday and came back in the evening to win back everything I had lost up this point on the weekend.
Ain’t Pokah fun?
On the positive side, I think I played around 2000 hands in the first three days of December. This is what I’m talking about!
I really want to focus on table selection this month. My results obviously improve when idiots are sitting at my table, so the key is to now find the best way to sit with as many idiots as possible at my table. I heard you can filter players Poker Ace Hud or some non sense like that? Gots to find out more about this ‘fer sure.
I played a 180 SNG on stars last night and made it pretty deep. I’ve been busting out in the hundreds in my last few attempts at these so this was a nice change. As is the norm, I got knocked out of the 180's in heartbreaking fashion when I ran aces into kings. Doesn’t make sense you say? It does when all the money goes in pre-flop and two kings promptly drop on the flop. Fucking donkaments.
Anybody started their X-Mas yet? I haven’t done shit. I pretty much know what I’ll be getting for people, now it’s just a matter of getting off my fat ass and, well, doing it. My credit card is already in the ‘Don’t do anything stupid, you barely have anything left’ area so odds are pretty good that I’ll put myself in some kind of financial stranglehold to start the year 2007. I could always cash out my bankroll to...hmm no, that’s not gonna happen.
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