Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Reason: The Websense category "Proxy Avoidance" is filtered.

This is the message I’m getting when I am now trying to access my blog from work. WTF? Yesterday it seems I was the only victim but there is now quite a few that I can’t access from my workstation. I can still login to blogger though and I can read all the blogs through bloglines. For now. FU Canadian Government, you can’t make me work if I don’t feel like it!!

Poker has been fairly swingy in the past few days. I had another one of my relapses yesterday. You know the ones, quit a session up 200+$, log out, decided to squeeze in a few more hands only to lose everything you had won up until then + more. Tsk tsk, the crack head kid rears his ugly head again. Oh well, I’m still up nicely for the month and there’s nowhere to go but up.

It’s crazy to think that I’ve cracked the 500$ barrier in rakeback and there’s still more than 10 days left in the month. Man, was I ever doing this Poker thing wrong before. It’s insane to think that I could win over 1k a month simply by sitting down and playing hands, by gawd, Wes is banging out 5k in rake back alone on a monthly basis. Oh the possibilities. The yearly reviews will be popping up all over the blogsphere and mine is a bit of downer. On the + side, I quadrupled my roll in 2006 but it’s only now that I start to grasp what is really necessary to crush the online games. 2007 should be interesting for sure.

WWDN? Probably not, I'm still working on that X-Mas shopping thing. Yeah, I suck. I'm almost done though. Things are also looking for me health wise. I usually always manage to get crazy sick in the days leading to X-Mas but this year I caught the bug a few weeks in advance. Now if this shit can hold up for a few more days, knock days, this brotah should be golden. Wish me luck!!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Alive and Well

Yeah yeah, I’m still here, still doing my thing. I’ve been playing Poker but simply could not find the time to blog. I usually write my posts at work but we’ve been absolutely swamped lately. I can’t freakin’ wait ‘til next Thursday when I finally start my X-Mas holidays. 7 straight days away from work, I don’t think I can picture anything better at this point. I need the days off, badly.

Poker is going well, still doing the grinding thing. It’s not the most exciting activity for sure, but it pads the roll. I should be getting a 300$ rake back payment either today or tomorrow and I’m on pace for a gargantuan 500$+ payment for next month. Looks like I’m finally doing this Poker thing right.

I’ve been enjoying the Vegas Recaps greatly. It seems like such great fun that I always end up kicking myself for not going. I simply have to make it to the next summer event. This is getting silly. If it ends up being near/around the WSOP, some nice possibilities will definitely arise out of this too. I’ll have the vacation, hopefully I’ll have the Passoport and the money shouldn’t be an issue.



There, maybe that is the motivation I need...

X-Mas shopping? I haven’t done shit yet. Nada, nothing, zilch, zero, etc. Yes, I am an horrible son/brother/boyfriend/friend/co-worker. Will be working on that this weekend.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A decent night

Dabbled in three different areas of Poker last night and found some success in all three.

It all started off with my usual grinding of the 3-6 6max tables. After finding myself stuck a somewhat significant amount, I turned it around to a 200$ profit. The yo-yo was then headed back in the other direction so I decided to put an end to the madness with a 100$ win. Not the best but I’ll take it.

I then proceeded to finish third in the WWDN. Unfortunately for me, this was quite possibly the smallest turnout I’ve ever seen at this tournament. The prize pool was 300$ for Christ’ sakes! 48$ for third place, how sick is that? I don’t remember lots of hands, it definitely played like a three table SNG. I won most of the races I was involved in (AK beats sevens, KQ beats 10-10 and queens best AK) to give me a pretty solid stack when the game was down to three players. I then pooped the bed making loose calls here and there and finally get myself eliminated by eventual winner Maigrey on a 60%-40% flip (me being on the 40% side of things.) Hoping for a similar result but a better turnout next week for sure.

After my tourney bustout, I decided to load up the various Poker sites on my laptop to try and find some money that I might have forgotten about. Turns out I had about 350$ sitting in Titan Poker.

The whole Titan story is really a tragedy. They were a really decent medium size network that was incredibly FILLED with fish. Enter the online Poker ban. Since that tragic day, this site is nothing but garbage. LHE is pretty much dead except for the 0.50/1$ games and what’s left is some of the tightest rock gardens ever known to man.

I checked out the NLHE games and to my surprise, they had a LOT of ‘em going. I personally don’t mind playing at Titan since I’m getting 35% rake back on that network. So if there’s anyways I can get some hands in at that site, I’ll be more than happy too. So for the first time in my life, I sat down at a .25/50$ NLHE table. I played somewhat tight aggressively. The table seemed fairly tight. You’d rarely see re-raises of any kind, most pre-flop raise would end up taking down the blinds, etc. I played these games for about 30 minutes, just enough to get my first stacking. I was dealt pocket aces in the CO when I see the UTG player make it 2$ to go. All fold to me so I bump it to 8$ total. He calls. Hmm. The flop come 9 high rainbow so I bet about 2/3 of the pot. He calls. Hmm. The turn is an absolute blank , and villain check raises me all-in. I figure he has some kind of over pair and I make the call. He tables KK and I pick up his stack. Yeah! We’ll be doing more of that for sure from now on.

As much as I’d like to play the Mookie tonight, it seems I will have to miss out. I’m a little bit tired and it seems I might be coming down with some kind of cold. I’d rather get this shit now than during my X-Mas holidays so I’ll deal.

Have fun out there!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And now for something completely different...

Playing around on Youtube last night I stumbled upon a gem that I hadn’t seen in SUCH a long time that I nearly slapped myself silly for forgetting about it.

Alizée was a young french (as in France, not Quebec) pop starlet ala Britney Spears who released a few bubble gum pop hits in 2002-2003. The music, as you can imagine, was beyond atrocious, but that girl was quite simply the most adorable, cutest thing to ever walk on this planet. Things is, she could also turn on the sex appeal like no one else could. Here’s a video from one of her performances on a cheesy show called “Tube un jour, tube toujours” where she just looks astonishing.

I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say no women has ever looked this good on TV. Ever.

Monday, December 04, 2006

500$ swing? Standard!

I’m sooooo in love with the craziness of these short handed games that I can’t believe I waited this long to start playing them. It all started on Friday evening when I booked a 150$ win. I left to eat dinner and watch a bit of TV before returning to the tables. Short session where I lost about 200$. Slept for the night and a played bit in the morning. -300$. Quit for the day and came back the next day. Booked a 200$ win early on Sunday and came back in the evening to win back everything I had lost up this point on the weekend.

Ain’t Pokah fun?

On the positive side, I think I played around 2000 hands in the first three days of December. This is what I’m talking about!

I really want to focus on table selection this month. My results obviously improve when idiots are sitting at my table, so the key is to now find the best way to sit with as many idiots as possible at my table. I heard you can filter players Poker Ace Hud or some non sense like that? Gots to find out more about this ‘fer sure.

I played a 180 SNG on stars last night and made it pretty deep. I’ve been busting out in the hundreds in my last few attempts at these so this was a nice change. As is the norm, I got knocked out of the 180's in heartbreaking fashion when I ran aces into kings. Doesn’t make sense you say? It does when all the money goes in pre-flop and two kings promptly drop on the flop. Fucking donkaments.

Anybody started their X-Mas yet? I haven’t done shit. I pretty much know what I’ll be getting for people, now it’s just a matter of getting off my fat ass and, well, doing it. My credit card is already in the ‘Don’t do anything stupid, you barely have anything left’ area so odds are pretty good that I’ll put myself in some kind of financial stranglehold to start the year 2007. I could always cash out my bankroll to...hmm no, that’s not gonna happen.
