Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Milestone

Yesterday, somewhere between completing my reload bonus on Pokerroom and kicking some donkey ass on Full Tilt, I reached the 5K bankroll milestone. Cool. I stared the month of March on such a tear that I was hoping to make it 2 grand in one month for the first time ever, which I managed to do. August will be mark my one year anniversary of playing poker online. My goal by then is simple. 10K. No more, no less. I don’t really know if I’ll be able to make it anywhere near that but it should be one hell of a challenge.

I FINALLY received my copy of SuperSystem II that I ordered with my Party Poker Points at the end of February. I had actually started to lose hope but they came through in the end. It’s in perfect condition too which is always a plus. I’ll probably start reading up on it sometime this weekend. I wonder if my order of beer glasses will make it through unscathed, I can only wait and see.

I don’t remember the last time I entered a tournament of any kind. So much for my promise of playing more of them. I wanted to take part in the Wil Wheaton tourney yesterday but couldn’t make it unfortunately. I know there’s another, smaller MTT on Wednesday, the Mookie invitational or something like that. I might try to hit it and start knocking some rust off. I really want to play more tournaments, it’s just a matter of getting off my lazy ass and getting it done.

I’ll also take part of the PokerStars blogger satellite to the WSOP on Monday. At this point, I’ll pretty much take on everything, and the reward at the end of this one makes it even more tempting. Can’t wait.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Variance is quite the tease isn’t she?

After three straight days of non stop runner runner bullshit and the most improbable and impossible bad beats, I sit down yesterday to find donkeys tripping over themselves to hand me over their money. Unbelievable.

And this is exactly why I NEVER want to do this shit for a living. The swings would just kill me. I’m a 3/6 and 5/10 LHE player so we’re talking about relatively small amounts of money. Can you imagine starting a session being stuck 5k? Or a two week losing streak that tallies over 80K? Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll stick with my Government job with full benefits and a healthy pension plan rather than this crazy ordeal.

I’ll probably finish my Pokerroom reload bonus tonight. I have about 80 hands left and I’m currently ahead 150$. This is the perfect spot to be in at the end of a bonus, I can pretty much sit back and wait for the nuts and hope for the best. It’s nice to clear a bonus with some freaking profits for once.

Was watching High Stakes Poker, and man, do I feel for Phil Hellmuth. Having pocket queens cracked by fucking EIGHT DEUCE has to be rough, especially in a 30 000$ + pot. But man is he ever playing badly. He’s really only there cause it’s on TV and he gets to promote himself, but I now understand why he stays the hell away from the big game at the Bellagio. He’s ridiculously outclassed in this thing.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Dark Side of Variance

After turning my 300$ deposit on Titan into 2300 $ playing some 5$-10$ LHE over the course of last week, Variance reared it’s ugly head this past weekend and dropped my ass back down to 1600$. Not to shabby, I’m still up 170BB on the site after all, but DAMN if it’s not mightily depressing to sit down at a table for hours and lose hand after hand after hand after hand...

The funny thing about this game, most specifically variance, is if it wants you to lose, you ARE gonna lose. Period. No way around it. Actually, there is a way. Quit. Quit when your aces are cracked 3 times in an hour by suited junk hands like J-6. Quit when your flopped top two pair gets rivered by some mouth breathing maroon, who calls you all the way down with bottom pair, rivers trips. Quit when your flushes get sunk by runner runner full houses every single damn time. Just. Freaking. Quit.

I really believe that’s the next step I need to take in my game. Quit when I’m not running well, hell even restrain myself for playing and cut my losses short. I’m not doing this for a living anyways, and if the urge is just too much, I can just play some MTT’S and try to make some kind of score there.

This week should be fairly busy. I’m almost through my Pokerroom reload bonus, I’m down a 100$ right now (what else is new) but my play has picked up and I’m expecting to finish in positive numbers. I will also be reloading 600$ for 50% on Titan. Last but not least, I will E-mail Aussie Dave to setup our HUC#3 match. Did ya’ll know that AussieDave actually lives in Australia? I figured he was just some Aussie guy living in the States or something, but nope, he’s actually down there. So our next task will to schedule a poker match in times where both of us can actually stay awake and be comfortable enough to plays these matches. What’s the time difference again, 14 hours? *Sigh*

Friday, March 24, 2006

HUC #3 Round 1

Well, I pretty much surprised myself winning my two matches since Heads Up is by far the aspect of my game that needs the most work.

First match was against Ingoal, which started pretty slow. We were both limping into a lot of pots and making moves post flop. I tried to be the aggressor but it backfired on me twice in the beginning, first when his flopped Trips bested my ridiculously overbet Ace high (I’m such a donkey) and second, when my top pair happened to run into his two pair. I decided to switch gears after that and just started blasting big raises into most pots pre-flop. We go back and forth for a while and I hold a really small lead until I pretty much crippled him with two hands, one where I picked up a full house and the other when I flopped two pair. Both of these hands went to showdown, costing him lots of chips. The final hand was just bad luck for him when his 6d-5d flopped flush was crushed by my slowplayed AdKd flopped nut flush.

2nd match was against HighOnPoker and right from the start, I could tell that it would be a completely different affair. He was REALLY aggressive, raising pretty much every pot pre-flop. He bluffed me out of a big one when I flopped top pair with a really good kicker on an awful one suit board. After that, I pretty much decided to let him be the aggressor and get him when the time is right. I got my break when he raised from the small blind and I re-raised him with pocket nines, he pushed, I called and he flipped over pocket 7's. My 9's held up to give me a nice lead. After that hand, things slowed down to a crawl as we exchanged blinds or really small pots. Until this hand: I pick up 9h-10h in the small blind and raise it up. He smooth calls. Flop comes 9-10-J (I think). I underbet the pot and he quickly re-raises me, I push, he thinks for a while and finally calls with big slick. His over cards are pretty much dead, so he’s drawing to a queen for the gutshot straight. I manage to avoid those bitches and I book the win. Two really solid matches.

Next opponent is AussieDave. By reading his blogs, it seems he makes more quads in a week than I have made in my lifetime. Should be fun.

I also finally managed to get all the freaking computer at the house working so yesterday ended up being a pretty damn good one after all.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

You Give me Fever...

Fighting through a pretty nasty cold. My whole body is aching like crazy. Ugh, work cannot end soon enough.

Didn’t get to play any Poker last night (For those keeping count, that’s TWO whole days in a row without Poker. Must be some kind of record) Laptop is finally connected to the Internet but Desktop was so freaking ravaged by Spyware and Viruses that I had to format the whole damn thing. Start fresh. I’m just praying here that I won’t be getting abused too much running around for drivers and such since I’m feeling absolutely horrible and not really in the mood to troubleshoot PC’s right now.

HUC #3 tonight, I’ll try and bring my A game over there (Considering my lack of skills in HU Poker, might as well call it my F or G game) but I’m not really expecting much. Just not get embarrassed by doing something incredibly stupid like calling an all-in raise with K-J offsuit when the blinds are 25/50 only to run into pocket Aces.

Got to read about the bloggers heading over to the Playboy Mansion. Sweet Merciful Jesus... Someone, SOMEHOW, has to find a way to get some kind, hell any kind ofaction in there! And I want to read all about it. Pictures would be nice too...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Didn’t play any Poker, was just WAY too tired. Went to bed early and slept like a baby.

While working out at the gym, I did think a little bit about my game. My play has been pretty erratic lately, focussing more on results and increasing my bankroll than solid play.

One of the biggest reasons why I’ve enjoyed some success in this game is my discipline. I never jumped up limits too early, always making sure I got a perfect handle of the caliber of play at one level before moving on to the next. I waited for my roll to hit 2 Grand before moving on to 2/4 and 3 Grand before sitting in at 3/6. The plan was to permanently make the switch to 5/10 when the roll hit 5k. I guess all those winnings at the 5/10 table on Titan went to my head a little bit and I started thinking I could crush any 5-10 table no matter what. Turns out I was wrong since my 5-10 play at Party and Full Tilt has been extraordinarily average, to say the least. While the caliber of play at these limits is nothing special, I still don’t really feel like myself when I play there. I’m not as aggressive as I should be, missing bets here and there, calling WAY too much instead of raising, etc.

If the stakes in your game affect the way you play, you’re playing above your head.

No more, no less. Time for me to reign it in a little bit. I’ll still play that 5/10 at Titan but I’ll stick to 3/6 everywhere else.

HUC#3 Bracket is up and it seems I’m being paired with Jordan, Todd Commish and the Poison herself. Nice! What a freakin’ horrible draw for me. I never expected to win but I would’ve appreciated something softer. Those are the breaks I guess.

My new DSL modem/router is in so I’ll pick that up tonight. Hopefully we can get this Laptop online and I can finally play at reasonable hours.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Taking a shot

When I logged in to Titan Poker last night, I saw that a full ring game of 10/20$ was opened so I sat down to take a look.

Verdict? Same ol’ same ol’ Titan. 5-7 players seeing flops, idiots calling all the way to the end with bottom pair or wired pairs of 4's on A-Q-10-X-X boards, etc. I love Titan so much. Didn’t have time to play much, bought it for 300$ and left 30 minutes later with a small 1 BB win. Couldn’t catch any cards to save my life. I really liked the experience and would definitely welcome the opportunity to take another shot at these limits, so I’ll keep ya’ll up to date. (As if anybody is reading)

Other than that, the night was pretty dismal. Started my Pokerroom bonus the same way the last one ended, by losing. Nothing insane really, 10 BB playing 3-6 limit, but annoying just the same. The highlight (lowlight really) of the session was flopping top two pair with AK only to be involved in a raising war with some idiot who just happens to hold pocket aces. I hate Poker. And yet...

That was nothing compared to the atrocity that was my Full Tilt 5$-10$ session. Dropped 27 BB but was down 45BB at one point. Just getting ridiculous beats, idiots cold calling 3 bets with any suited two and catching their flush on the river or reverse dominating me with their ace-rag. I went on a nice little rush at the end to somewhat salvage this nightmare of a session. Something to build on I guess.

What I really hate about this game? Sitting at these 5$-10$ tables steaming like a Mofo while idiots with VP$IPs of 56% are cleaning house, flopping two pairs and flushes by cold calling raises with pure crap. Last night was a slaughterhouse for all the big pockets pairs at the table. This game is all bout the long term but It’s hard to maintain that attitude when your aces get cracked by a moron who called a preflop cap with A-4 offsuit and flops a ridiculous 4-4-3. How the hell I am supposed to not lose money here?

Laptop is working, router simply won’t. I get to login to the router and put in all the settings but it simply won’t connect. Stupid broadband connection. My ISP offers some kind of modem router to all it’s customers and one is on the way. I should be getting that sometime this week. Hopefully that fixes all my problems cause I’m really tired of playing those late night sessions

Monday, March 20, 2006

A Weekend of Contrasts

This weekend was, shall we say, interesting. My plan was to run through 2500 hands on Party Poker to clear two of the March Madness triple bonus. Things started off on the right foot as I cleared the first bonus for a total profit of 220$. Very nice. I then proceeded to drop all of that the next day PLUS an extra 300$ the day after. I’m pretty sure I made some mistakes in there obviously, but there was also lots of crazy beats in there, big pairs getting cracked, sets getting destroyed by the river, etc.

I pretty much decided to quit Party Poker that day. I used whatever points I had left to order a cool set of beer glasses and I cashed out the rest of my money. I’ve known for a long time that it was time to retire from Party, at least temporarily, but I always lacked the motivation to do it. Well, no more. I’ll play primarily at Full Tilt from now on, I’m getting RakeBack there anyways.

On the bright side, I did win back all those funds lost at Party playing that crazy loose gold mine that is the 5$/10$ full ring table at Titan Poker. Good lord these players are idiots. I’ve won 100+$ pots with pocket aces when two or three idiots will call me down all the way to the end with suited junk like J6 or K3. Unbelievable. I already tripled my account over there and I plan on tearing that game wide open for a long while.

With my bankroll at an all-time high, I’m probably gonna be moving permanently to 5$/10$ full ring. I’ll start with two tables for the time being and see where it goes but I’m not really intimidated by those stakes anymore so I should be alright. Wish me luck.

On tap for the week: 1000$ deposit for a 200$ bonus on Pokerroom and the HUC3. Should be a good time.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Knowing when to Stop

Started off well, finished terribly. Had pretty much won everything I had lost the day before on Titan only to end up losing most of it again getting sucked out or rivered in a bunch of big pots. What can you do? I’m still way up on Titan and I did clear the amount of hands to get my Poker Source Online points. Why am I stil steaming then?.

Because, the only person to blame here is myself. I got greedy, thinking I could quadruple my buy-in playing these morons. If I had settled for a double up, everything would’ve been fine. The lesson here, I guess, is it’s better to leave while you’re a wee bit ahead (like, say, doubling up) than stubbornly sticking in the game hoping for the huge score. I really believe that you’ll end up winning more in the long run by settling for a bunch of smaller wins rather than pushing for the Grand Slam.

I did book another 100$+ session at Full Tilt last night so I’m now over a Grand on that site. Pretty sweet. The PokerTracker numbers for my 3/6$ on there are a ridiculous 4.35 BB/100 over 2000 hands, which basically means that a huge downswing is on the way. I can’t wait!

Also got my Laptop yesterday. Too say that I’m stoked would be an understatement. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I just can’t get over how HUGE the screen is. I’ll probably have mucho fun grinding on this baby. To make things even better, I’m gonna be able to hook up another monitor to this baby and 8 table at ease. Just.Cannot.Wait.

I also signed up for the HUC3 hosted by Veneno. I’m an absolutely pathetic Heads Up player so I’m not expecting to tear the house down or anything. I’ll be Grade A Primo dead money in that thing. Should be cool to meet the new folks though.

See you all there!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Titan Strikes Back

Bad night at Titan where I dropped an entire buy-in playing 5-10$. Nothing major really happened, I was pretty much card dead for the session and got sucked out a few times. I did tilt a little towards the end, pissing away 8 BB’s but those are the breaks.

The funny thing is I’m neither upset or frustrated with the loss. I didn’t play badly, I just didn’t catch any cards. I was still amazed at how atrocious most of these players are. One thing’s for sure, I’ll be back there tonight looking for some revenge. I’m almost through with the PSO bonus but I’m planning to be around Titan for a loooooong while.

I did book another 100$ win at Full Tilt. Typical hit and run session. Picked up Aces twice, cracked pocket Queens with KQ when I flopped a king and that was pretty much it. I’m almost up to a grand on that site. Long may it continue!

I still need to deposit that 400$ on Party, will probably do so on Thursday. I plan on 7-tabling 0.50/1$ to get this done as quick as possible. I just wanna get through a bonus with some kind of profit. My last reload at Party was an absolute disaster so I’m hoping to avoid that.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One of Those Days

After a ridiculously awful Sunday of Poker, Lady Variance payed me off nicely last night. It was just one of those miracle days where everything goes right. Pairs become sets that then become full houses, open-ended straight draws that actually end up hitting, big pairs holding up, etc.

I’m currently clearing a bonus on Titan Poker to collect 9000 PSO points, and, well, Titan is a fucking goldmine. Seriously. When I logged in, I noticed that a 5/10 full ring table was running with over 50% of the players seeing flops. Curiosity got the best of me and I ended up taking a seat there. This table had to be seen to be believed. It was as loose and juicy as a 0.50/1$ Party Poker table! Most of the idiots who’d see flops would end up staying there all the way to the river (Holding powerhouses like K high no less). Big pockets pairs would get smoked by idiots who’d river two pair with their suited 10-5, etc. It was that damn good. I sat down with 150$ and ran it up to 350$ in no time. I also got a shitload of Titan points by sitting there so I’m hoping to be done with the PSO deal by Wednesday.

EVERY Poker Player should leave some money on that site to take advantage of these idiots. They’re basically tripping over themselves to give it away folks and I’ll be right there to collect.

I also had a nice night playing on Full Tilt, the 3/6$ Limit games are quite beatable there. It’s also nice that I’m getting payed to play there thanks to (Referal code: Suiteness if you’re ever interested in signing up). Rakeback is definitely the way to go guys, so look it up.

I’m still waiting for my Laptop, UPS tracking service is now saying that it’s in Transit, whatever the hell that means. I sure as hell can’t wait to get it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Donkey Myth

Finally ended up playing some Poker this weekend but the results were iffy at best. I’m winning money on Full Tilt and Titan I’m losing badly on Party.

Here’s the thing, I’m a really meticulous player. Whenever I sit down at a table, it’s because I know there’s a shitload of fish there. I use PokerTracker and PokerAceHud actively to give myself every single edge I can get.

And yet, it’s those damn fishes who are killing me right now (dropped around 400$ playing 3/6 Hold’em this weekend). Why are these fucking monkeys always drawing out against me? Why are they constantly donating to everyone at the table yet consistently river their 3 outers against me? Why are my aces always cracked by their 5-3 suited? Do I really want these idiots sitting at my table?

I’m sitting out Party Poker, at least the 3/6 game, for a while. I’m redepositing 400$ to clear the triple bonus but I’ll be dropping to .50/1$. Hopefully I don’t manage to lose the whole damn thing over there.

I’m also gonna start some satellites to make it the WSOP. I don’t have the money to splash around in 200$+ tournaments so I’ll try the cheapest low buy-ins out there and see where that takes me. Should be fun.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Murphy’s Law

Ugh, whatever I win on one day, I lose the next. Such is the grind. Very frustrating. So many nasty rivers, it’s depressing.

Better news on the computer front though, I finally managed to order my laptop. A really nice machine, powerful little bugger. I should be getting it in the middle of next week. I really don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier. Again this week, I’ve been staying WAY too late playing poker (with average results to boot) and as result am the functional equivalent of a mindless zombie at work the next day. Thankfully, these days will be behind me for good come the middle of next week.

Busy weekend on tap for, probably won’t get to play mucho poker. I’ll be hitting the clubs tonight and a Comedy Club on Saturday. I’ll try and squeeze everything I can in there but it won’t be easy.

Be good out there

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day of the Donkey

Wow, last night was rough. It was your typical bad side of variance day. I won’t get into all the details, they’re not that interesting, but the end results was a 25BB loss. Not too bad, but getting rivered in so many spots was rough. That’s the way it goes, I guess.

Now for some good news, I will be buying a laptop computer by the end of the month. My first significant purchase for myself in a long while. You see, where I live, a bunch of people all use the same computer, and more often than not, I’m stuck playing later at night. It usually results in short nights of sleep and, evidently, rough days at work. No more though, I’ll wait for my credit card statement to come through before making the purchase.

I also need to play more tournaments. Now that I have created an account at Full Tilt, I’d really like to get involved more there. That 16K Guaranteed looks pretty ‘Effin sweet, so look for me trying to hit some kind of score there.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Up and down

Tonight was just a blah night. Nothing much really happended. I won about 10 BB playing 3/6 on Full Tilt but dropped 15 playing 2/4 on Sun Poker. I finished a night of second best hands on Party down 30 BB playing 3/6. That was expected, I finished February so damn strongly that I was expecting a little bit of Yo-Yo results.

Playing at these smaller sites made me realise that I really need to start playing short-handed. More often than not, you simply cannot find a game of full ring at 3/6$ and above. So be it, I needed to learn that game anyways, so I'll probably be dropping down 1/2 6 max to prepare myself for that new challenge

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Back to the grind

The tables were kind to me tonight. I booked solid winning sessions on Party and Sun Poker. I’m really enjoying the upswing of variance.

I unfortunately missed SirFWALGMan’s birthday bash since my Internet connection decided to take a dump all over me. I was really looking forward to it; I guess it’ll have to wait.

In the meantime, I’m probably gonna hit some kind of tourney on Full Tilt tonight. I'm really in the mood, so let’s see where that takes me.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Haven’t played a hand of poker in three days, was too busy drinking, clubbing and ogling strippers lately. But I digress…

I finally signed up for a Full Tilt account. Wanted to do it for a while but procrastination got in the way again. SirF’s birthday bash was the kick in the butt that I needed. What better way to introduce myself to other bloggers than taking their money? :-) It should really be a blast.

I’m also getting a killer rakeback deal from this site thanks to Wil Wonka and Getting payed to play is the way to go, helps smooth out the variance and rounds out the months quite nicely. Check it out.


Friday, March 03, 2006

Humble beginnings...

I’ve been playing this game for about a year. I didn’t know much about any forms of Poker when my friends invited me over to play some Hold’Em. To be honest, the only Poker I knew about was Video Poker. I know...

Anyways, I was pretty much hooked from the first session. We’d get together and play maybe once every two weeks, but I really wanted to play more. Enter Internet Poker. My first online experience was at PokerWorld, a really small Pokerroom that leaves much to be desired. I first dabbled with their play money tables for a while but got bored of that REAL quick. Idiots calling down with nothing just for the hell of it will do that to a man. So I stuck to my bi-weekly home games to satisfy my cravings.

I’d say the turning point of my poker education was my first live tournament. Wow, was I ever out of my league. The event was huge, 200+ people, 40$ buy-in with unlimited rebuys during the first hour and a 20$ add-on at the end of said hour. To put it bluntly, I did really poorly. I was scared shitless. Was dealt pocket aces on my first hand, and didn’t have a freaking clue what to do with it. I limped, along with half the table and had to let it go when the flop betting just got too crazy for me. I won a few pots here and there, but got promptly dumped early in the second hour when my two pair ran into a flopped straight. Bottom line: I had work to do.

I caught my frist glimpse of televised Poker one evening after work. I was confused as all hell seeing the players being dealt 4 pocket cards. (It was Omaha you see, told you Poker was TOTALLY new to me). But I started to understand the basics of the game, you raise to make idiots fold their junk, but also to increase the value of the pots that you win. You bet or raise, to find out where you stand in a hand, etc.

After hours of research online, I read tons of great stuff about Harrington on Hold’em Volume 1 so I ordered it. Wow, talk about a cultural revolution. Reading this book made me realize one thing, learning this game is easy, but being really good at it is a completely different animal. I read the damn thing three times from cover to cover in the span of a week. I was now hooked. I needed to play to apply the stuff that I had learned.

In early August, I returned to PokerWorld and played their daily freeroll. I was doing okay, didn’t win anything, but I was 100X more aware of what the hell was going on in front of me. I was no longer a doofus when I sat down at a table. I finally decided to bite the bullet and deposit 20$ on Pokerroom, a site used by one of my friends. The 1$ tournaments and the freerolls were fun, but that’s not really a way to build a bankroll, these things usually have over 1000, sometimes 2000, entrants and they’re mostly crap shoots. I blew through my first 20$ deposit in about two weeks.

To make money at this game, you have to put in hours, you have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do some dirty work. You have to grind. So grinding I did. Lots of it. I redeposited 40$ on Pokerroom and started playing the 0.25$/0.50$ limit tables. I would later find out that I was ridiculously under-rolled to play at this limit, but I didn’t know squat at the time. I managed to run my 40$ up to about 100$, only to be introduced to some bitch called Variance who brought me all the way down to 15$. The upswing of variance procedeed to catch me by the balls for a little while and I pulled this shit back up to a little over 200$. I then took 2nd place in 1$ tournament for a cool 186$ payout (a huge amount at the time) and I was well on my way. By the end of the year I was up to 2 grand. Thing is, to get there, I chased lots of bonuses and put in lots of hours. I was burnt out on the game, and I had to quit for awhile.

I came back in mid-January to play some 2-4$ LH and I ran into my first serious downswing - 150BB over a span of 15 000 hands. To say that it sucked would be an understatement. My sets would get crushed by bigger sets or runner runner straights, flushes, etc. I ran nut full houses into quads twice and the biggest and baddest of them all, my flopped quad Kings got annihilated by a runner runner straight flush. These things are usually temporary and I finished the month of February on a high note. As a result, my bankroll is now sitting at an all-time high, an inch over 3K.

From here, I just want to keep padding the roll and moving up in limits. I will now be moving permanently to 3-6$ full ring. I also want to play some other games, mostly Stud and Omaha Hi/Lo. My first six months of playing online were amazing and I’m hoping the next 6 will be just as good, if not better.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Hi, my name is!

Greetings to all,

Well, as the sub-title of this blog says, I’m a French Canadian suckout specialist poker player! I started playing in January 2005 and I’ve been in love ever since. I only caught the online bug in August of that same year and my results have been somewhat decent.

Why the blog? My friends are not maniacs like me so they’re more than satisfied playing the bi-weekly home game and the once in while live tourney. Not me. I was really impressed and amazed when I discovered the Poker blogging community. There’s an incredible amount of smart, talented players in there and it seems they know how to throw a wicked party (See WPBT). A party I can no longer afford to miss.

…and the name? I was playing 2/4$ limit on Party one night and I was getting under some guy’s skin badly. I basically had sucked out on him a few times and as a result, he was tilting. I pretty much made him lose his shit when my flopped set of 2’s became quads on the river busting his pocket aces, turned nut set and becoming the nut full on the river. The following exchange occurred:

Dumbass: That’s the only way losers like you can make money in this game, by constantly sucking out.
Me: Come on now! Don’t hate, appreciate!! This is art, man. I’m like the Van Gogh of this shit! I’m an artiste

He then proceeded to call me a fag, a cunt, a bitch and all kinds of other fun words. Pure Joy!

So that’s the beginning. I’m really hoping to meet a bunch of ya’ll really soon, so yeah!